Road Decommissioning

road decommissioning post fire
road decommissioning post fire


What – Mechanical equipment such as an excavator or dozer is used to decommission unauthorized roads that are destabilized as a result of loss of vegetation following high burn severity. 

Purpose – Intended to improve infiltration, restore hillslope hydrology, and reduce erosion following subsoiling (tilling), recontouring road fill, and restoring drainage through the road prism using mechanical equipment.

Effectiveness – No quantitative data is available on soil erosion rates.  However, visual inspection revealed that treatment objectives to improve infiltration and reduce erosion by restoring the slope were achieved in treated areas.


  • Hillslope with multiple unclassified roads.
  • Areas with high-burn severity and high soil erosion potential.

Cost – $7000–8000 per mile.  Additional factors include:

  • Location and access
  • Equipment type and size necessary to implement the treatment

How to Link – See USDA BAER Catalog page 160 (PDF page 168).