Wildfire Planning
Wildfire Planning Resources
- Small Steps Can Save Homes, Communities: This 2014 article from National Geographic outlines small steps that you can do to help protect your home.
- Living with Fire: A Guide for the Homeowner - New Mexico: Short guide to help New Mexicans learn how to live more safely with the threat of wildfire (see the Spanish version here).
- Viviendo Con Incendios: Una Guía para los Dueños de casas en Nuevo México (en Español): Una guía para enseñarles a las personas cómo vivir más seguros con la amenaza de un incendio forestal.
- Community Wildfire Protection Plans from New Mexico State Forestry: Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP's) have three main components: (1) Collaboration with all stakeholders throughout the CWPP process, (2) Identification and prioritization of hazardous fuel reduction areas and (3) addressing the treatment of structural ignitability within the CWPP area.
- Fire Adapted Communities provides a 'go-to' reference document, the 'Guide to Fire Adapted Communities' wildfire preparedness. It offers actions you and your community can take to become more fire adapted. It also includes recent case studies and outlines considerations to take to increase awareness and affect change in local wildfire preparedness understanding, and includes outreach and collaboration guidance.
- New Mexico's Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management's (NMDHSEM) Hazard Mitigation Site: The Mitigation Unit can help you access your community hazard mitigation plan, develop a plan for your community and find FEMA mitigation program guidance.
- Tribal Hazard Mitigation Planning Guide from FEMA : This guide will assist Indian Pueblo and Tribal governments assess their risk and create a plan to protect their members and resources.
- Local Mitigation Planning Handbook from FEMA: The Local Mitigation Planning Handbook (Handbook) is the official guide for local governments to develop, update and implement local mitigation plans.
- Wildfire Preparedness and Planning at Ready.gov: Learn what protective measures to take before, during and after a wildfire.
- Firewise Communities: Find out what experts know about the best ways to make your home and neighborhood safer from a wildfire.
- A Guide to Staying Safe During Wildfires: This all-in-one guide delivers the essential strategies and tactics to keep you safe from wildfire — no matter where you live.
- Western Oregon University CERT Resources: CERT is about readiness, people helping people, rescuer safety...
- Colorado State University Extension Fire Resources: The most up-to-date fire-related resources, from CSU Extension and our partnering agencies.
Driftless Prairies: Native Ecosystems-The Interaction of Fire and Grass: Understanding the biology and physiology of grass in management decisions